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The California White Sage 9" Smudge Sticks are your go-to for powerful cleansing and energy purification. Sourced from the sunny hills of California, this sacred herb has been revered for centuries by spiritual practitioners for its ability to remove negative energy, purify spaces, and promote mental clarity. With its substantial...
Rainbows 7 Chakras Smudge Sticks are designed to align and balance your energy centers while purifying your space. Crafted with vibrant colored herbs and white sage, these smudge sticks symbolize the seven chakras, offering a holistic tool for spiritual cleansing, meditation, and energy work. Each vibrant color in the smudge...
Rainbow Sinuata Smudge Sticks combine the cleansing properties of white sage with the vibrant energy of rainbow sinuata flowers. This unique smudge stick offers a holistic approach to purifying your space and uplifting your spirit with a burst of color and healing. Sinuata flowers are known for their stunning array...